Paris Internationale, Gallery Vacancy
Paris, France / 15/10/24 - 20/10/24

The Salon by NADA & The Community - group
Night Café Gallery
Paris, France / 16/10/24 - 20/10/24

“Augmented Paris” - group
Zhi Art Museum, Chengdu, China / 27/06/24 - 30/11/24
Curator : Yvannoé Kruger / Assistant curator : Simon Jung
Oganized by Zhi Art Museum and the Foundation for Art and Culture, coordinated and supported by Manifesto Expo

“There is no lonesome wave” - group
La Coupole, POUSH, Aubervilliers, France / 23/03/23 - 03/05/23
Curation : Justine Daquin, Elena Posokhova, Lê Thiên Bảo et Claire Luna

“Y” - group
Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Paris, France / 21/12/22 - 10/01/23
Curation Arthur Hoffmann

“Biennale Artpress des jeunes artistes” - group
MO.CO Panacée, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France / 01/10/22 - 08/01/23
Curation Étienne Hatt & Romain Mathieu

“Prix Dauphine pour l’Art Contemporain 2022” - 06/22
Le Sample, Bagnolet - France
Laureates group show, curation Elora Weill-Engerer

“Instable” - 02/20
Duo show with Esther Michaud
Galerie du Crous, Paris - France

“Emerging Lines” - 11/19
Group show, Galeria Neon Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Wroclaw - Poland

“Low Res” - 07/19
Group show, Espace Rue de Tanger, Casablanca - Morocco